<%@ Language=VBScript%> <% option explicit %> <% Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "No-Cache" %> <% 'response.write request("dealerbrand") & "|" 'response.write request("c2") & "|" 'response.write request("c3") & "|" 'response.write request("c4") & "|" 'response.write request("c5") & "|" 'response.write request("c6") & "|" 'response.end 'if Not(request("mode") = "and" OR request("mode") = "or") then ' response.redirect "search.asp?userMSG=" & server.URLEncode("Enter a valid search criteria.") 'end if Dim Myconn, RS, SQL_query, MdbFilePath, lname, city, state, dname, dcity, dstate, dbrands, obrands, certs Dim c1, c3, c4, c5, c6 Dim pilot, searchString, instructor, dealer searchString = "" if request("pilot") = 1 then pilot = 1 end if 'c1 = request("c1") 'c3 = request("c3") 'c4 = request("c4") 'c5 = request("c5") 'c6 = request("c6") dealer = request("dealer") instructor = request("instructor") 'if request("mode") = "and" then if pilot = 1 then if len(searchString) > 3 then searchString = searchString & "AND pilot=1 " else searchString = "pilot=1 " end if end if if dealer = 1 then if len(searchString) > 3 then searchString = searchString & "AND dealer=1 " else searchString = "dealer=1 " end if end if if instructor = 1 then if len(searchString) > 3 then searchString = searchString & "AND instructor=1 " else searchString = "instructor=1 " end if end if 'if c1 = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "AND UFIE=1 " ' else ' searchString = "UFIE=1 " ' end if 'end if 'if c3 = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "AND AFI=1 " ' else ' searchString = "AFI=1 " ' end if 'end if 'if c4 = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "AND BFI=1 " ' else ' searchString = "BFI=1 " ' end if 'end if 'if c5 = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "AND CFI=1 " ' else ' searchString = "CFI=1 " ' end if 'end if 'if c6 = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "AND UFI=1 " ' else ' searchString = "UFI=1 " ' end if 'end if 'dbrands = DBIN(request("dealerbrand")) 'if dbrands <> "" then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "AND dealerbrand like '%" & dbrands & "%' " ' else ' searchString = "dealerbrand like '%" & dbrands & "%' " ' end if 'end if 'obrands = DBIN(request("ownerbrand")) 'if obrands <> "" then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "AND ownerbrand like '%" & obrands & "%' " ' else ' searchString = "ownerbrand like '%" & obrands & "%' " ' end if 'end if 'lname = DBIN(request("lastname")) 'if lname <> "" then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "AND lastname like '" & lname & "%' " ' else ' searchString = "lastname like '" & lname & "%' " ' end if 'end if 'dname = DBIN(request("dealername")) 'if dname <> "" then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "AND dealername like '" & dname & "%' " ' else ' searchString = "dealername like '" & dname & "%' " ' end if 'end if if dealer = 1 then dcity = DBIN(request("city")) if dcity <> "" then if len(searchString) > 3 then searchString = searchString & "AND dealercity like '" & dcity & "%' " else searchString = "dealercity like '" & dcity & "%' " end if end if dstate = DBIN(request("state")) if dstate <> "Not Specified" then if len(searchString) > 3 then searchString = searchString & "AND dealerstate='" & dstate & "' " else searchString = "dealerstate='" & dstate & "' " end if end if else city = DBIN(request("city")) if city <> "" then if len(searchString) > 3 then searchString = searchString & "AND city like '" & city & "%' " else searchString = "city like '" & city & "%' " end if end if state = request("state") if state <> "Not Specified" then if len(searchString) > 3 then searchString = searchString & "AND state='" & state & "' " else searchString = "state='" & state & "' " end if end if end if '************************ 'mod made 7/6/03 Dim country country = DBIN(trim(request("country"))) response.write country response.end if country <> "" then if len(searchString) > 3 then searchString = searchString & "AND country like '" & country & "%' " else searchString = "country like '" & country & "%' " end if end if '************************ if len(searchString) > 3 then SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM pilots WHERE " & searchString & " AND deleted=0" else SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM pilots WHERE deleted=0" end if 'end if 'if request("mode") = "or" then ' if pilot = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR pilot=1 " ' else ' searchString = "pilot=1 " ' end if ' end if ' ' if dealer = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR dealer=1 " ' else ' searchString = "dealer=1 " ' end if ' end if ' ' if instructor = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR instructor=1 " ' else ' searchString = "instructor=1 " ' end if ' end if ' ' if c1 = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR UFIE=1 " ' else ' searchString = "UFIE=1 " ' end if ' end if ' ' if c3 = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR AFI=1 " ' else ' searchString = "AFI=1 " ' end if ' end if ' ' if c4 = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR BFI=1 " ' else ' searchString = "BFI=1 " ' end if ' end if ' ' if c5 = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR CFI=1 " ' else ' searchString = "CFI=1 " ' end if ' end if ' ' if c6 = 1 then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR UFI=1 " ' else ' searchString = "UFI=1 " ' end if ' end if ' ' dbrands = DBIN(request("dealerbrand")) ' if dbrands <> "" then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR dealerbrand like '%" & dbrands & "%' " ' else ' searchString = "dealerbrand like '%" & dbrands & "%' " ' end if ' end if ' ' obrands = DBIN(request("ownerbrand")) ' if obrands <> "" then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR ownerbrand like '%" & obrands & "%' " ' else ' searchString = "ownerbrand like '%" & obrands & "%' " ' end if ' end if ' ' lname = DBIN(request("lastname")) ' if lname <> "" then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR lastname like '" & lname & "%' " ' else ' searchString = "lastname like '" & lname & "%' " ' end if ' end if ' ' city = DBIN(request("city")) ' if city <> "" then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR city like '" & city & "%' " ' else ' searchString = "city like '" & city & "%' " ' end if ' end if ' ' state = request("state") ' if state <> "Not Specified" then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR state='" & state & "' " ' else ' searchString = "state='" & state & "' " ' end if ' end if ' ' dname = DBIN(request("dealername")) ' if dname <> "" then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR dealername like '" & dname & "%' " ' else ' searchString = "dealername like '" & dname & "%' " ' end if ' end if ' ' dcity = DBIN(request("dealercity")) ' if dcity <> "" then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR dealercity like '" & dcity & "%' " ' else ' searchString = "dealercity like '" & dcity & "%' " ' end if ' end if ' ' dstate = request("dealerstate") ' if dstate <> "Not Specified" then ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' searchString = searchString & "OR dealerstate='" & dstate & "' " ' else ' searchString = "dealerstate='" & dstate & "' " ' end if ' end if ' ' ' if len(searchString) > 3 then ' ' SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM pilots WHERE " & searchString & " AND deleted=0" ' ' else ' ' SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM pilots WHERE deleted=0" ' ' end if ' 'end if Set Myconn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") MdbFilePath = Server.MapPath("../fpdb/pilots.mdb") MyConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & MdbFilePath & ";" 'SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM pilots" 'response.write SQL_query 'response.end SQL_query = SQL_query & " order by country, state, city, lastname, fisrtname" Set RS = MyConn.Execute(SQL_query) if RS.EOF then Set RS = nothing Set Myconn = nothing response.redirect "search.asp?userMSG=" & server.URLEncode("No records found. Please try again.") else %> Powerchutes.com Pilot Profiles
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<% while not RS.EOF 'loop dee doo 'tr tags, 1 open & 1 close per record 'photo---------------------------------------------- response.write "" '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'dealer crap--------------------------------------------------------------------------- response.write "" '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'certification crap------------------------------------------------------------ response.write "" '---------------------------------------- 'brands crap----------------------------- response.write "" '------------------------------------------- RS.MoveNext Wend Set RS = nothing Set Myconn = nothing end if %>
Photo Name Location Dealer Certifications Brands
" if trim(RS("photo")) = "" then response.write "" else response.write "" end if '----------------------------------------------------------- 'the dude name----------------------------------------------------------------------- response.write "" & _ "" if DBOUT(RS("email")) <> "" then response.write "" & DBOUT(RS("firstname")) & " " & DBOUT(RS("lastname")) & "
" else response.write DBOUT(RS("firstname")) & " " & DBOUT(RS("lastname")) & "
" end if if RS("url") <> "" then response.write "website

" end if if RS("datestarted") <> "" then dim tempArr tempArr = split(DBOUT(RS("datestarted")), "/") if ubound(tempArr) = 1 then dim month, year month = cint(tempArr(0)) year = cstr(tempArr(1)) Select case month case 1 month = "January" case 2 month = "February" case 3 month = "March" case 4 month = "April" case 5 month = "May" case 6 month = "June" case 7 month = "July" case 8 month = "August" case 9 month = "September" case 10 month = "October" case 11 month = "November" case 12 month = "December" case else month = "Not Supplied" End Select response.write "Date started flying:
" & month & " " & year & "

" end if end if if RS("comments") <> "" then response.write "Comments: " & DBOUT(RS("comments")) & "" end if '-------------------------------------------- 'Location------------------------------------- response.write "
" if RS("streetaddress") <> "" then response.write "" & DBOUT(RS("streetaddress")) & "
" end if if RS("city") <> "" or RS("state") <> "" then response.write "" & DBOUT(RS("city")) & ", " & DBOUT(RS("state")) & "
" end if if RS("zip") <> "" then response.write "" & DBOUT(RS("zip")) & "
" end if if RS("country") <> "" then response.write "" & DBOUT(RS("country")) & "
" end if if RS("homephone") <> "" then response.write "Phone:
" & DBOUT(RS("homephone")) & "
" end if if RS("cellphone") <> "" then response.write "Cell:
" & DBOUT(RS("cellphone")) & "
" end if response.write "
" & _ "" if DBOUT(RS("dealeremail")) <> "" then response.write "" & DBOUT(RS("dealername")) & "
" else response.write "" & DBOUT(RS("dealername")) & "
" end if if RS("dealerurl") <> "" then response.write "Website" & "
" end if if Not (RS("deakeraddress") = "" OR RS("dealerstate") = "" or RS("dealercity") = "" or RS("dealerzip") = "" ) then response.write DBOUT(RS("deakeraddress")) & "
" & _ DBOUT(RS("dealercity")) & ", " & RS("dealerstate") & " " & RS("dealerzip") & "

" end if if RS("dealerphone") <> "" then response.write "Phone:
" & DBOUT(RS("dealerphone")) & "
" end if response.write "
" & _ "" Dim strCerts strCerts = "" if RS("Pilot") then strCerts = "Pilot" end if if RS("UFIE") then if len(strCerts) > 3 then strCerts = strCerts & ", UFIE" else strCerts = "UFIE" end if end if if RS("AFI") then if len(strCerts) > 3 then strCerts = strCerts & ", AFI" else strCerts = "AFI" end if end if if RS("BFI") then if len(strCerts) > 3 then strCerts = strCerts & ", BFI" else strCerts = "BFI" end if end if if RS("CFI") then if len(strCerts) > 3 then strCerts = strCerts & ", CFI" else strCerts = "CFI" end if end if if RS("UFI") then if len(strCerts) > 3 then strCerts = strCerts & ", UFI" else strCerts = "UFI" end if end if if RS("instructor") then if len(strCerts) > 3 then strCerts = strCerts & ", Instructor" else strCerts = "Instructor" end if end if if RS("dealer") then if len(strCerts) > 3 then strCerts = strCerts & ", Dealer" else strCerts = "Dealer" end if end if response.write strCerts & "" & _ "" if RS("ownerbrand") <> "" then response.write"Ownerbrands: " & DBOUT(RS("ownerbrand")) & "
" end if if RS("dealerbrand") <> "" then response.write"Dealerbrands: " & DBOUT(RS("dealerbrand")) & " " end if response.write "