Images from H Robert Overly III
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Just a few photos of my flight with Richard Kimbrell this past Saturday. The destination was to Imeson Airport mentioned by Richard in one of his post). Needless to say that it was a great day.


A hawk's eye view of the intercoastal waterway. I am terribly sorry that there are no PPCs in the photograph. Richard Kimbrell was not allowed to come out to play that day :-).
An aerial view of the northern tip of Big Talbot Island. What a great place to fly! One has the option of flying along the beach, along the meadow between the dunes; or along the salt marshes of the intercoastal. No development, just a great view of what a natural beach should be.

A pelican's eye view of the beachfront along Amelia Island, Florida. This is our idea of a drive along the beach! 

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