<%@ Language=VBScript%> <% option explicit %> <% Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "No-Cache" %> Powerchutes.com Pilot Profiles


Add Listing

Please select all that apply... if you are flying, check any combination of Pilot, Dealer, or Instructor, enter your desired user name and click submit.

Login Information <% if request("userMSG") <> "" then response.write "That username is already taken, try: " & request("userMSG")%>
Enter Desired User Name (maximum 10 characters)
  Pilot Dealer Instructor None
  • Pilot - anyone that flies, most dealers and instructors would be a pilot as well.

  • Dealer - anyone that resells PPC's

  • Instructor - anyone that has a training certification.

  • None - anyone that does not currently fly, but has an interest in flying.