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JTW Associates, 6950 West 146 Street, Suite 110, Apple Valley, Minnesota  55124

Contact John Weinel at 952- 431-6878


 First Test Crash into water of an Ultralight Aircraft with the Nebulus© Flotation System.


On Saturday, August 17, 2002 test pilot Chris Jones successfully test crashed a powered parachute ultralight aircraft outfitted with a Nebulus© flotation device into the Black Bayou near Monroe, Louisiana. Originally developed by JTW Associates and the University of Minnesota for snowmobiles that crash through thin ice, the Nebulus© device provides emergency flotation for ultralight aircraft that crash into water.


Jones cut his engine at 2000 feet, and then spiraled down into the bayou in a spectacular crash. He activated the device while airborne, opening a CO2 pressure vessel which inflated a 3 foot by 3 foot lift bag capable of supporting the submerged ultralight.


The device successfully floated the submerged powered parachute weighing 385 pounds, which was easily towed to shore by boat. More testing of the device will take place this fall, and the Nebulus© device is expected to be offered to ultralight pilots within the year.


You can see the device in action at the JTW Associates website  www.jtwfloat.com



Test pilot Chris Jones and his powered parachute. The Nebulus Device hangs on the strut closest to Chris.





Chris Jones splashes down into Black Bayou. The Nebulus Device is fully inflated at impact.





The Nebulus Device fully inflated, supporting the submerged aircraft.