Use of Float-type Variable Resistive Fuel Level Sender with EIS Auxillary Input

The following steps may be used to calibrate the aux display so that it displays fuel level in gallons, or any desired units.

  1. Start by setting AuxSF to 100 and AuxOff to 0. (On the Configuration Set Pages). The Aux display should now read a value other than zero. If it still reads zero, check your wiring.

  2. Vary the sender from empty tank, to full tank. Note the Aux display at each of these positions. Subtract the lower Aux reading from the higher. If this difference is larger than you want displayed, then decrease AuxSF proportionately until the change is as desired. (For example, if you want to display 0-10 for a 10 gallon tank, and the Aux display varied from 33 to 53, for a difference of 20, reduce AuxSF to half of it's current value.) Conversly, if the difference is lower, then increase AuxSF proportionately.

  3. Observe the Aux display to see if it displays a larger value for a higher fuel level. If it reads backwards, select Reverse Aux Sensing on the Options Page.

  4. Note the Aux Display with an empty fuel tank. Set AuxOff to two times this number minus one. For example, if 17 is displayed with the tank empty, set AuxOff to 2 x 17 = 34 - 1 = 33.

  5. For more information, refer to your users manual.

CAUTION: Be sure to connect the resistor as shown. Connecting power directly to the sensor will damage it.