Brian Ks has joined Tomas - Sweden has joined John W has joined Talk Show Steve has joined Joe Para-Ski has joined Chris E (BC) has joined Scott T,no-mic has joined ED BUCKEYE ILL has joined Status: Connected Q has joined Scott T,no-mic has left BigWheelHawaii has joined John W : You're breaking up Steve Chris E (BC): his big nite and he's falling apart! :-) John W : It was good until just recently John W : Boom! John W : I'll just go flying! John W : :) Chris E (BC): did you see the email from doug miller on the list? :-) John W : yep Joe Para-Ski: which one? Chris E (BC): millenium bug John W : Funny! BigWheelHawaii has left Kevin Or-re-gun has joined Chris E (BC): I thought it wasn't doing anything but typing at first John W : brb Mattcrad, NY has joined Q: someone say something, I'm testing the real audio encoder. Brian (MUFF) Mt has joined Q: thanks, good Brian Ks has left Kevin Or-re-gun: Steve: Would you ask Dan if the idea to offer plans for his PPC's has come to fruition? I remember reading of this, but haven't seen anything more about it. Talk Show Steve: Yes Kevin I will. Chris E (BC): you are kinda low Joe John W : sounds okay Chris E (BC): volume BigWheelHawaii has joined Guest489 has joined Mattcrad, NY has left Q: Do you all know that Dan Thompson is the NAPPF board president? Joe Para-Ski: How bored is he? Guest489 has left John W : Do now, didn't before. Guest926 has joined Q: I knew that! Q: OK, other program running Guest926 has left Guest983 has joined Q: I'll bet the Scout is a good machine Q: Ugly but good Guest983 has left Guest4 has joined John W : It could use a facelift. Q: Who is the guy from Sweden? Ron Boozer, AL has joined Joe Para-Ski: a guy from Sweden John W : He tows hanggliders Q: Welcome Thomas! John W : with a trike John W : Q...Cold there? Guest4 has left Guest346 has joined Q: Beautiful sunny day here John W : Here too! Q: I saved your email about your flight John, but havent read it yet Q: Kevin, how is that subary buckeye going? Kevin Or-re-gun has left Guest346 has left John W : I hope you enjoy it. I re-read it and I think I need to learn how to use less "I's. :) Guest160 has joined Wayne(AB) DM&SD has joined John W : It seemed like I this and I that. Not good. Yuma Bill , Az has joined John W : The flying was good! John W : waiting Louie from N.J. has joined Q: howdy, i can't talk with the recorder going John W : Q is voiceless. :( John W : Another sacrifice for the LIST. ;) Chris E (BC): just doesn't wasn't hear his own voice ;-) Chris E (BC): Just reading the accident stats for canadian UL and GA - interesting Chris E (BC): we fairly safe by comparison w/GA Chris E (BC): no separate data for PPC tho John W : We're smarter too. ;) Tom I. Ohio has joined Chris E (BC): the stats seem to say the higher trained pilots have more accidents Chris E (BC): hmmmm.... Louie from N.J.: yea you get "testy" or cmplaciant after a while Ed M. (Ohio) GE has joined ED BUCKEYE ILL has left Louie from N.J.: you cant ever let your "guard" down Chris E (BC): seems so John W : brb Louie from N.J.: "fly" the machine at all times Pat Ace High Ga has joined Ed M. (Ohio) GE: Chris E. Thanks for the info on the Onelist, I finally got on it.....thanks, Ed Ed M. (Ohio) GE: The picture page is great to Chris E.. Brian Ks has joined Ed M. (Ohio) GE: Tom I. where you from in Ohio? Kevin Or-re-gun has joined Chris E (BC): me too Wayne Tom I. Ohio: South of Youngstown Ed Q: Hey Kevin, how's that subaru powered buckeye going Chris E (BC): 39 inches / mter JIM B.(AR) has joined Tom I. Ohio: 39"= meter Talk Show Steve: Please remember to put an * in front of your questions during the show so I know that you are asking. Thanks! Ed M. (Ohio) GE: Tom, Columbus area here...... Marc (WI) has joined Tom I. Ohio: well it would be good to fly together Ed Chris E (BC): we zoomin now John W : Is the guest here, Steve? Tom I. Ohio: I always wanted to see a GE Talk Show Steve: Not yet Tom Evan (CA) has joined Ed M. (Ohio) GE: Sure would love to Tom, I am still fairly new, about 12 hours on it so far, Kevin Or-re-gun: Q: Same as last time...stalled due to my laziness of no wanting to get out in the garage in the cold and spending too much time on the computer! frank (IL) has joined Brian (MUFF) Mt: Steve won't a " ? " mark be better 4 a question ? Tom I. Ohio: same as me Ed...9+...just starting out Q: Don't miss out on another summer of flying Talk Show Steve: Brian, That will work just fine. Thanks! Brian (MUFF) Mt: k Ed M. (Ohio) GE: We fly out of a a dual grass runway one is 3300 ft. the other one about 2200, great location, it is in Delaware, Oh. about 30 miles north of Columbus. What do you fly Tom? Tom I. Ohio: Summit Barry (NZ) has joined Evan (CA) has left Evan (CA) has joined Ed M. (Ohio) GE: I would like to see that fly too Tom.... Tom I. Ohio: we will have to get together when it gets warm Kevin Or-re-gun: Q: your pictures and commentary made me GREEN w/ envy last summer! JW (OR) has joined Tom I. Ohio: my wife has to go to Col ooften Ed M. (Ohio) GE: I look forward to that, my email is Q: Well get that machine going and come join us Chris E (BC): 184 m/m Julien Para-Ski has joined Kevin Or-re-gun: Can't wait, especially hearing how much fur, er, fun you guys are having... Julien Para-Ski has left Julien Para-Ski has joined Tom I. Ohio: got it Ed Mattcrad, NY has joined Chris E (BC): Q your dates for Aug may be hard to make - but i will be trying! Tomas - Sweden: 184m/m---0 3 m/s Kevin Or-re-gun: Is Dan late for his own funeral? Tomas - Sweden: no 3 m/s Talk Show Steve: ? Q: Great Chris, I think well have more participation this year. SCunnyngham FL has joined Chris E (BC): between listening and trying to figure this i 'm not doing so good ;-) Ed M. (Ohio) GE: Tom get a hold of Bob Ogg, he sells the BrightStar, $59.00 including shipping, I just put the second one on, has 8 hours so far, really bright and so far so good. Tom I. Ohio: good idea Chris E (BC): oh sure and I'll be doing montend and miss it! I hope that not the case! Q: Hope you can make it Ed M. (Ohio) GE: Bob's is duel Xenon tubes, very bright JW (OR) has left JW (OR) has joined SCunnyngham FL: where is Dan? Tom I. Ohio: I have his #...I'll call him Talk Show Steve: ?? Ed M. (Ohio) GE: K. SCunnyngham FL has left Evan (CA): who is Dan? lownslo La has joined Q: Dan Thompson, president NAPPF, PPC pioneer Mattcrad, NY has left Evan (CA): Thanks Q frank (IL) has left frank (IL) has joined Guest649 has joined Brian (MUFF) Mt: afk Peter B has joined Mattcrad, NY has joined Talk Show Steve: Tom, did you try to call? frank (IL) has left frank (IL) has joined Tom I. Ohio: you mean me Steve? Ron Boozer, AL has left Talk Show Steve: Yes Ron Boozer, AL has joined Tom I. Ohio: no reason...if you mean our email? SCunnyngham FL has joined Tom I. Ohio: just our different perspectives/opinions Q: Yuma Bill, how bout coming over to the central Oregon fly in in August. Spend a week flying and camping. SCunnyngham FL: what happened to Dan? Q: That's the one that Dan Thompson designed Talk Show Steve: I don't know. Do you know his phone number? Wayne(AB) DM&SD: baby PPC :-) SCunnyngham FL: 609-267-7088 John W : Tom said he had the # John W : brb Tom I. Ohio: no...I meant I have ED's email # Tom I. Ohio: have to jump calling Q: Also a dealer now in Eugene Tom I. Ohio has left Q: I want to see that Scout Bill Talk Show Steve: I will have to disconnect since I only have one phone line. I will try to call Dan on the phone. Q: Must have been Blair Talk Show Steve: If he appears after I leave, I will be right back. Brian (MUFF) Mt: You got to be kidding Brian Ks: No such thing as 1/2 free Evan (CA) has left Talk Show Steve has left Q: Six Chuter, he's new Brian Ks: A little pregnant? Q: Can't talk while redorder is waiting. Evan (CA) has joined BigWheelHawaii has left BigWheelHawaii has joined Evan (CA) has left SCunnyngham FL has left BigWheelHawaii: Hey Barry !!!! First Man Up !!! Barry (NZ): Gidday Earle....yeah, that's me!! Q: I want to go there Kevin lownslo La has left BigWheelHawaii: That's You Buddie Q: bummer Carpetbag has joined SCunnyngham FL has joined Carpetbag has joined Carpetbag has left Chris E (BC) has left Chris E (BC) has joined Joe Para-Ski: Perhaps Dan wants to be fashionably late? Mattcrad, NY has left Dan T ( NJ ) has joined Q: Yes, I promised terry I would come visit Evan (CA) has joined Louie from N.J.: welcome Dan! Wayne(AB) DM&SD: Dan don't wisper!!! Kevin Or-re-gun: 28 folks logged on so far... Q: Make it a bit louder please Kevin Or-re-gun: JW: where is O. are you from? Wayne(AB) DM&SD: a little louder won't hurt Guest546 has joined Talk Show Steve has joined Q: much better dan Pat Ace High Ga has left Guest193 has joined John W : :) Q: starting recording SCunnyngham FL: Dan, I have a problem with weight shift in my older ParaPlane. Can w discuss this later? Kevin Or-re-gun: Joe: Who is Julien Para Ski? Julien Para-Ski: I'm the guy who designed his website, among other things Joe Para-Ski: He is my web site designer. Joe Para-Ski: Hmmmm, what other things? ;-) JIM B.(AR) has left Barry (NZ) has left JIM B.(AR) has joined Wayne(AB) DM&SD has left Barry (NZ) has joined Wayne(AB) DM&SD has joined Brian Ks has left Guest160 has left Kevin Or-re-gun: Q: when you come over, crash here w/ Pat & I! Your daughter is welcome also! Chris E: you too, if you are along here too! Julien Para-Ski: well, your sun'n'fun info sheet... frank (IL) has left frank (IL) has joined Joe Para-Ski: OK Brian Ks has joined Guest492 has joined Louie from N.J. has left Louie from N.J. has joined Joe Para-Ski: Domina Jalbert Louie from N.J. has left Brian Ks has left Kevin Or-re-gun has left Kevin Or-re-gun has joined Guest193 has left Mattcrad, NY has joined John R. AL: ????? Is the Paraplane on the Popular Mechanics cover flat rigged??????? SCunnyngham FL has left Mattcrad, NY has left John Riffey,AL has left Mattcrad, NY has joined John Riffey,AL has joined Kevin Or-re-gun: Yuma Bill: reach me @ and 503.254.2483 Do you or have you flown other aircraft?-Kevin Kevin Or-re-gun: your voice sounds familiar...maybe gyros?? Pat Ace High Ga has left Yuma Bill , Az has left Yuma Bill , Az has joined SCunnyngham FL has joined george7777 (FL) has joined Guest723 has left Guest467 has joined JIM B.(AR) has left Pat Ace High Ga has joined JIM B.(AR) has joined Q: ***** did you have any close calls in the early days? Mattcrad, NY has left SCunnyngham FL: I'll say SCunnyngham FL: been there done that Guest467 has left Guest776 has joined george7777 (FL): ???? Dan --I just joined in, so you may have covered this earlier, but how have the sales of the Scout been going? Tom I. Ohio has joined SCunnyngham FL has left BigWheelHawaii: *****What was Steve's Last name again ??? Q: Thomas Pat Ace High Ga has left Brian (MUFF) Mt: Snyder ? Mattcrad, NY has joined Q: martin Pat Ace High Ga has joined SCunnyngham FL has joined Scott T,no-mic has joined BigWheelHawaii: thank you Brian Ks: Is there a factor for Sq ft of chute/ Hp/ Weight? Q: *** did you have any close calls during the early days frank (IL): How rapidly do you see the industry growing? Guest776 has left Mavrk has joined Ernie Ohio has joined Kevin Or-re-gun: JW: where in Oregon are you? SCunnyngham FL: from airscrew no dought Ron Boozer, AL: ******What inovations do you see in the near future in PPC design? Joe Para-Ski: *********are you, or were you, a skydiver? george7777 (FL): ????? What paragliding wings, if any, have been used with the ParaFlyer? SCunnyngham FL: ***are you or were you a muff diver? BigWheelHawaii: ****What do you know of NASA'S new X 38 X 39 Units Guest412 has joined Guest78 has left Brian Ks has left Kevin Or-re-gun: ***********What is your favorite prop? Jerry H (MO) has joined Dan T ( NJ ): Scott all the time Mattcrad, NY has left Guest78 has joined SCunnyngham FL: ****given ample altitude and room which is proper? Brian Ks has joined Mavrk: JS, are you out there? Q: ****tell us about the Zenoah engine Mattcrad, NY has joined Kevin Or-re-gun: ********Built from plans, what would be an approximate cost of putting a machine together? BigWheelHawaii: ****What do you know of NASA'S new X 38 X 39 Units SCunnyngham FL: my aunt sews, could she make the wing? Louie from N.J.: Betsy Ross, scott? Joe Para-Ski: Steve, you've missed plenty of previous questions, aren't you writing them down and asking in the order they appeared?? SCunnyngham FL: damn Wayne(AB) DM&SD: Steve... stretch your text window Kevin Or-re-gun: thanks! SCunnyngham FL: Dan, why does my WinDancer suddenly turn to the right or left with no steering input? Chris E (BC) has left Ed M. (Ohio) GE: Scott, is that on the ground Julien Para-Ski: Para-Skis have 4 wheels and are stable at high ground speeds, right, Joe? SCunnyngham FL: while flying Joe Para-Ski: More stable, yes. Brian (MUFF) Mt has left Rob Overly (Fl) has joined Brian Ks: Joe, how fast have you gone on the ground on wheels? Joe Para-Ski: I think you guys who posted questions earlier should repost. Q: **** why don't us members get more information on what the NAPPF is doing? SCunnyngham FL: *******Dan, why does my WinDancer suddenly turn to the right or left with no steering input? Joe Para-Ski: Well, on a frozen lake, with a 582 and 3-blade 61" Ivo.....80 we have 618's with 6-68" props.....I'd say you can kill yourself. Kevin Or-re-gun: Steve: Let's also have the REAL Joe on in the future as a guest speaker!! Q: That's good news Joe Para-Ski: NOT Talk Show Steve: O.K. Ron Boozer, AL: ******What's in the near future for PPC design? Jim (Chicago) has joined BigWheelHawaii: ****What do you know of NASA'S new X 38 X 39 Units Joe Para-Ski: I'm a regular here, it wouldn't be the same. george7777 (FL): Q -- are you recording this? I'm getting less than half of what's being said. Chris E (BC) has joined Talk Show Steve: Yes Q: yes it's being recorded, had one minor 1 minute glitch though Kevin Or-re-gun: Joe also has a wealth of knowledge to tap... SCunnyngham FL has left Joe Para-Ski: You mean I'm not broke? ;-) Kevin Or-re-gun: 39 logged on now... Joe Para-Ski: Last mailing for NAPPF was Nov. 99 Jerry H (MO) has left Brian Ks has left SCunnyngham FL has joined Jerry H (MO) has joined Ed M. (Ohio) GE: *******How many current members in NAPPF?? Louie from N.J.: wow, I applaud you and all the volunteers SCunnyngham FL: like the Viking? John Schwab NC has joined SCunnyngham FL: ace is the place Guest546: Jamie Kee here and i to applaud all your volunteers John Massey GA has joined Kevin Or-re-gun: Scott: you have a keen sense of humor.. John Schwab NC has left SCunnyngham FL: I am only playing Joe Para-Ski: Actually, he has a "weird" sense of humour. SCunnyngham FL: keep it up Joey Joe Para-Ski: hehehhee SCunnyngham FL: like me? george7777 (FL) has left george7777 (FL) has joined Kevin Or-re-gun: Scott, you're near the Viking many has he sold? SCunnyngham FL: ******What would make my single place ParaPlane suddenly turn to right or left with no steering input? BigWheelHawaii: ****What do you know of NASA'S new X 38 X 39 Units SCunnyngham FL: not sure Joe Para-Ski: **********One of your pictures shows a long boom with a rear U/L type rudder, how was the performance? Kevin Or-re-gun: is he really still using hardware-store fasteners? Pat Ace High Ga has left SCunnyngham FL: no, I do not think so Ed M. (Ohio) GE: BigWheel, I beleive the X38 & X39 are back engineered alien technology ppc's and maybe Scott can elaborate on this SCunnyngham FL: that could be it I guess Tom I. Ohio: LOL SCunnyngham FL: no sound Guest546: Scott talt to him Tom I. Ohio: tomorrow 4pm if wind ok? Bob has joined Kevin Or-re-gun: ********Do you feel the Zenoah engine is as reliable as the Rotax engine? Pat Ace High Ga has joined Arni DM582 (OH): I will be out of town. Tom I. Ohio: ok Arni DM582 (OH): Call Ernie, How about you? John Riffey,AL: Pat, when are you coming to AL and visit ron and me. SCunnyngham FL: we have one with over 300 hrs and no problem Tom I. Ohio: going to try...will call him on way home from work Arni DM582 (OH): He is on line now. Jim (Chicago): ***If not asked, where will be Nationals be held? I did hear about the Regionals. Kevin Or-re-gun: *******Did you design the engine?? Bob has left John Massey GA has left John Massey GA has joined Guest546: have you done anything with the HKS Kevin Or-re-gun: ********Where is it made? SCunnyngham FL: you would have made a good Jap Guest412 has left Ed M. (Ohio) GE: aww sooooo Julien Para-Ski: no, the X-38 and X-39... x-planes :) BigWheelHawaii: thank you Kevin Or-re-gun: Q: how about in Prineville? Barry (NZ) has left Kevin Or-re-gun: sometime down the road... Mavrk: Can anyone hear Dan?? Arni DM582 (OH): yes Talk Show Steve: Yes Guest546: yes i can hear Dan Wayne(AB) DM&SD: yep John W : yes Q: What about Prineville? Rob Overly (Fl): yes Tom I. Ohio: yes...well Kevin Or-re-gun: nationals... Ed M. (Ohio) GE: only when he's talking Tom I. Ohio: oh jees ! Mavrk: How can I get a better connection? Q: Not likely, not enough PPCs here in the northwest Talk Show Steve: New server SCunnyngham FL: how do I join? Kevin Or-re-gun: or is it too far west for most of the PPC pilots to travel to ... Q: Yes, but we'll catch up with PPC numbers Kevin Or-re-gun: How many ther in your area now? Kevin Or-re-gun: there Mavrk: TSS, I can hear you, it's Dan I can't hear.. Joe Para-Ski: Too far back Q: about 6 SCunnyngham FL has left Kevin Or-re-gun: all 6 C? Q: yes Joe Para-Ski: OUr rudder is VERY effective...right near the prop. Kevin Or-re-gun: did you have anything to do w/ that? John Massey GA: aol sucks tonight I am only getting bits and pieces Julien Para-Ski: and it helps cancel torque too. Tom I. Ohio: John fine here Jim (Chicago) has left Joe Para-Ski: Thanks........but our cross-cables are the main control for that. Jim (Chicago) has joined Q: not really, but I have people call me who are interested now and then. John Massey GA: Joe I never got and info pack Julien Para-Ski: ***about weight shift and risers... do you prefer the weight-shift or steering-line method of steering? Ernie Ohio has left Chris E (BC) has left John Massey GA: I can't sell them if I have no info DM 503 has joined Barry (NZ) has joined SCunnyngham FL has joined Julien Para-Ski: on para-planes, you had weight shift steering, but the more recent ppcs steer using steering lines that pull on the chute Mavrk: Was there a definative answer on the Nationals question? Mavrk has left SCunnyngham FL has left Mavrk has joined Kevin Or-re-gun: 37 logged on now... Mattcrad, NY: Dan, ever think of writing a book? Chris E (BC) has joined Kevin Or-re-gun: book, Dan, YES!!! SCunnyngham FL has joined Joe Para-Ski: We should include the Canadian history Guest546: what is the life of the canopy Julien Para-Ski: yeah :) DM 503 has left Q: How about the Yugoslavian history? Chris E (BC): what Canadian history?? Guest78 has left Kevin Or-re-gun: Didn't the Canadians invent the United States? Louie from N.J.: the rubber band powered ppc? Chris E (BC): well ya but we got forgotten in the muddle Mavrk: We wouldn't want to ignore our biggest, smartest state! Chris E (BC): ziinged right across the border Kevin Or-re-gun: Something to do w/ 54-40 or fight? Joe Para-Ski: Harfang des Neiges started in Quebec around 1983 Chris E (BC): ah Mavrk you got that right ;-) Kevin Or-re-gun: Snowy Owl? Joe Para-Ski: yep SCunnyngham FL: what kind of name is Harfang? John Massey GA has left Joe Para-Ski: Snowy Owl Kevin Or-re-gun: Joe: Is that your operative name, SNOWY OWL? Joe Para-Ski: Hahaha Chris E (BC): they talk funny over there Kevin Or-re-gun: Canada's Deep Throat informant? Guest546: wear in illinois might the Nat be held? Rob Overly (Fl): invite him down to Florida Scott BigWheelHawaii: ****Did Bill Garganio's Co. build the chutes for NASA ? **** John Riffey,AL: Ron Boozer, give me a shout before signing off, believe my mike is working. Joe Para-Ski: Dan do you fly GA planes???????******************* Barry (NZ): I was first in new millenium!! :-)hehe! SCunnyngham FL has left John Schwab NC has joined Q: do it steve Kevin Or-re-gun: *****Is Kentuck' Steve's backyard going to be the new North American Snowy Owl headquarters? Wayne(AB) DM&SD: GO FOR IT steve Joe Para-Ski: excellent, thanks. Louie from N.J.: We can't wait for the hot tub model, The Para-Spa! Pass the soap honey, Guest546: LOL LOL Rob Overly (Fl): first year Joe Para-Ski: **********Dan, have you seen the picture of the front engined ppc a guy in our club built?? Kevin Or-re-gun: ******Dan: how far across 'Jersey Guest231 has left Joe Para-Ski: It's ugly as hell but it flew well. Mavrk: Now Joe, that isn't very nice.. Joe Para-Ski: What can I say? It IS ugly. Kevin Or-re-gun: Form follows function... John Schwab NC has left Q: there is a photo of it on the gallery page Joe Para-Ski: ******Dan, are you still working with Gary Porter???*********** Guest546: will we see more ppws at oshkosh BigWheelHawaii: right BigWheelHawaii: right Dan T ( NJ ): yes joe SCunnyngham FL has joined Joe Para-Ski: Great guy that Gary..... Rob Overly (Fl): tail wind Joe Para-Ski: *******Dan, do you head the company that came out with the new electronic instrument??? How does it compare to the EIS?? Tomas - Sweden has left Rob Overly (Fl): are we starting from the east coast again Scott? frank (IL): Thanks alot Dan & Steve - hope to see you soon Mavrk: One of the tragedies of my life is that I can't hear scott at all. SCunnyngham FL: looks that way now Joe Para-Ski: Ok, I thought you were involved in it's design. Kevin Or-re-gun: ********Dan: are you working w/ the concept of changing the chute's shape/opening to change flight speeds/performance/****** frank (IL) has left Dan T ( NJ ): That good Kevin Or-re-gun: right-o! Carpetbag has left Kevin Or-re-gun: **********Dan: how 'bout new ways to inflate the chute to get it started?????********* Joe Para-Ski: **Yes, but DON'T hit the brick wall!!! fly the plane!!! Randy (N. CA) has joined Louie from N.J.: get a wife with plenty of hot air! Louie from N.J.: LOL Kevin Or-re-gun: *********Sluggish to inflate????????********* Guest270 has joined SCunnyngham FL has left Barry (NZ): Meg not with you tonight Louie! :-) Randy (N. CA) has left Guest 840 has joined Joe Para-Ski: Thank you very much. Louie from N.J.: hi baz she is right here......boing....she just read what i typed! Kevin Or-re-gun: Many thanks, Dan, for taking your time to share.... Chris E (BC): Thank you very much Dan! Rob Overly (Fl): thanks Dan Q: thanks dan Tom I. Ohio: Safe trip Arni...gotta turn in am ...nite Louie from N.J.: Thank you very much, DAN! Ed M. (Ohio) GE: thanks for the info Dan John W : Thanks Dan Guest546: Thanks Dan Tom I. Ohio: Thanks Dan Joe Para-Ski: Q.....that will be one HUGE file.!! Q: Arni DM582 (OH): Thanks much. Mavrk: Dan, I enjoyed what I heard! Kevin Or-re-gun: ***Could you spell it?******** Louie from N.J.: Dan THE Man! Ron Boozer, AL: Thanks Dan Kevin Or-re-gun: Flier, or flyer? Wayne(AB) DM&SD: Thanks Dan no quiz later I hope Rob Overly (Fl): Joe, have you talked to a guy named Robert Healy lately? Joe Para-Ski: Not lately...why? Kevin Or-re-gun: Kevin Or-re-gun: thanks Barry (NZ): thanks from down-under Dan BigWheelHawaii has left Dan T ( NJ ): Yes Rob Overly (Fl): He might be interested in looking over your plane if you get down this way. John Riffey,AL: Thanks Dan, my first visit and very informing, thanks again. Tom I. Ohio has left Ed M. (Ohio) GE has left Kevin Or-re-gun: Barry: hgave you flown since your rain flight? Kevin Or-re-gun: have Joe Para-Ski: Keep his number... BigWheelHawaii has joined SCunnyngham FL has joined Rob Overly (Fl): I know it. Barry (NZ): several times Kev. Kevin Or-re-gun: I vote for Joe being a guest speaker sometime... SCunnyngham FL: Thanks Dan, have a good evening Kevin Or-re-gun: BigWheelHawaii: Thank You Very Much Dan T ( NJ ) has left Mavrk: Sounds like he is a speaker all the time... Talk Show Steve has left Talk Show Steve has joined Jim (Chicago): Purchased Louie from N.J.: he is gone