I have just finished test flights of my new side by side 2 seat ppc.
It was designed for flight instruction purposes. I believe that the current
options available to those of us that must teach students how to fly PPC's are
severely lacking at best and barbaric and dangerous at worst.
this craft fly's wonderfully with either the pilot alone, or with a student
onboard of any weight.
The craft is equipped with dual rudder pedals that move just as much brake line
as any rudder bar/pulley combo. the foot pressure required to produce a full
left or full right rudder turn is no more than any ppc on the market today
that is equipped with pulleys.
It has in-flight adjustable trim. this trim allows the pilot or student to
trim the craft until it fly's "feet off" the rudder pedals regardless
of payload.
The throttle control is located between the seats, easily utilized from either
Ground steering can be done from either seat also.
The "cg" is set for the pilot alone and required no further
changes regardless of student weight.
I haven't installed instrumentation yet but it will be located just ahead of
the throttle control so as to be easily seen by pilot and student.
I run a 503 dc/di Rotax equipped with a r&d tuned pipe on the craft as
well as a Quantum 500 advantage canopy. Performance is very good.