Images from Curtis Sprayberry

Curtis Sprayberry,doing a powerout landing with passenger in his SR-2CL.

Powerout landing with passenger, Curtis Sprayberry and his SR-2CL.
Haysville,Ks .

Perfect powerout landing, Curtis Sprayberry Haysville,Kansas. 
Kansas Sixchuter Dealer.  SR-2Cl

Curtis in his SR-2 doing one of his feather landing.

Ron and Curtis coming to the field west of Haysville, Ks  SR-7 and SR-2.

Curtis taking off at the Columbus fly-in Oct 8,1997. Right Cliff Bordwell
upper right his first time up that high close to 2,400 feet.

Me flying the SR-2 in the background is the grain elevator that blew  up
killing the worker inside notice the center part is gone!! Haysvill Ks

Curtis and his SR-2 coming in for a landing at the Haysville, Ks  field.!