COPs Central Oregon Powerchuters |
Welcome to the new club web site. The numbers of PPC flyers in Central Oregon are growing rapidly and it's time to form an organization to promote safety, camaraderie, public relations, and airport relations. I've put together a few of my thoughts on the subject below and I would like to have input from all Central Oregon PPC flyers. Please join the club (no fee) by emailing your contact info as well as ideas to and I'll put them on the page. Let's get this going before flying season begins. |
Ideas: On this page I would like to put a roster of club members with email addresses, phone numbers, etc., to help us get together for flying. I think we should have a club president elected yearly who will take charge of operations. The annual Oregon Outback fly-in/camp-out has gone from 3 participants in 1999 to 15 in 2000 and 30 are expected in 2001 (August 11th through 18th) coming from as far away as the east coast. I would like to see this become a club event with everyone working on making it a fun time for all. We should have a monthly meeting at a centralized location. We should have a club resource library that will include tools, books, maps, tapes, photo library, etc.. We need someone to work with local airport managers to draw up PPC use recommendations that can be posted, printed, and given out to new PPC flyers in the area. We need a media contact person. |
Roster Jim Carriger Q Myers Jack Feldman Jim Anderson Bill Lee
Places to fly in Central Oregon Madras Airport: Park at north end of hangers and set up on the concrete bomber pads. Lake Billy Chinook Airport: Turn in at the little store and veer to the right to go around the gate, or get the key from the person working in the store. Set up in the tie down area. Sisters Airport: Set up and take off from the grass beside the runway, or on the runway. Don't forget to put your $5 in the envelope. Prineville Airport: Drive in on the airport road, continue straight across the gravel parking lot toward the helipad, turn right on dirt road on west side of green hanger. Park and set up on the north side of the green hanger near the taxiway. Use 33 for take off, do not cross 28/10. Landing approach from the south with a very low right hand patern, landing on 15, taxi back to parking area. Bend Airport: Set up just north of the northern most hanger. You can access runway from the nearby taxiway. Dry Lake near Fort Rock: Directions soon. Fort Rock Ranger Station Airstrip. Directions soon. Christmas Valley Airport. Park in parking lot. Gate is not locked. Paisley State Airport: Park in parking lot. Get key from the Standard Station in town or contact Gary Castile at (number and email address coming). Or loosten turnbuckle on the cable fence to lower it so you can roll your machine to tie down area. Silver Lake Forest Service Airstrip: Do whatever you want, kind of rocky and brushy because it is never used. Chiloquin State Airport: Park and set up near the hanger. Cresent Lake State Airport: Haven't flown there yet. A section is paved and there is camping available on the strip. Appears to be tall timber in all directions. Santiam Pass State Airport: Haven't flown there but there appears to be tall timber in all directions. Adjacent to ODOT Maintainance shops. McKenzie River State Airport: Pretty nice grass strip but tall timber in all directions. Milican Airstrip: Not much of a strip, rocks and gravel. Prop guard needed. Beaver Marsh State Airport: Haven't flown here yet, much dust, tall timber. Sun River Airport: Contact the office the day before if possible and let them know you are going to fly in the morning. Radio strongly recommended. Take off on grass north of the tie down area. Office phone number will be posted soon. Big Summit Prairie Airstrip: Ochoco Mountains. Haven't flown there yet, will post more info later. There is a cabin nearby that can be rented from the forest service for $50 per night, sleeps 8, water, generator, heat, etc..