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Ad Info:

We appreciate the many requests for ad space on powerchutes.com and are considering a change in our policy. Up until now we have run just one ad on all major pages. We're now looking into the possibility of accepting up to 10 ads that will load randomly, one per page. If we go that route we'll lower the cost to $10 to $20 per month. 

Powerchutes.com is now averaging nearly 10,000 visits per month, about 1000 hits per day. That means a lot of people who are researching PPCs on the net will see your ad. Powerchutes.com web statistics are at this URL http://www.teleport.com/~qmyers/teleport-weblog/index.html

All ads must be PPC related and can be linked to your web page. The ad can be an animation, still image, text, or any combination that will fit into the 275X52 pixel space (maximum 50k). Powerchutes.com can also design your ad for a small fee. Adds are placed on a first come first served basis. 

More info on ad space availability and fee structure will be posted here by the end of March 2000.

To place an add, email T at info@powerchutes.com