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Current (2009) Registered Pilots :
 12 Pilots (**4 competing pilots) from 6 States & Provinces & Countries
9 Powered Parachutes

2007 Registered Pilots :
105 Pilots from 20 States 
& CANADA Provinces
78 Powered Parachutes
2006 Registered Pilots :
 78 Pilots from 22 States 
& CANADA Provinces
63 Powered Parachutes
Registered Pilots :
116 Pilots from 23 States 
& CANADA Provinces
108 Powered Parachutes
2003 Registered Pilots :
92 Pilots from 20 States 
& CANADA Provinces
85 Powered Parachutes
2002 Attending Pilots :
63 Pilots from 16 States  & CANADA Provinces
54 Powered Parachutes
2001 Attending Pilots :
43 Pilots from 12 States  & CANADA Provinces
38 Powered Parachutes
States/Countries Pre-Registered
(# of Pilots / # of Competing Pilots)









































Note: **ONLY 40 Pilots will be allowed to compete this year in the PPC Championships!

From Pilot # **
Limited to 40
?? Next Pilot to Register 13 5 Next Pilot to Register
AB Ken Butler     Ken has 20 grand kids plus their parents. If he lives through this, he is going to tell all of them his version of this great event. He will be handing out copies of this version of what happened here, to selected real stand up pilots and other witnesses, that won't charge too much to corroborate everything he says... This could include stories of either his great skill, and the honorable judges and others that fully recognized this talent. OR equally convincing stories about his great skill as a pilot but how the weather, the machine breakdowns, sabotage, personal illness, and even stories about the crooked bunch of pirates that were here that in other ways cost him glory, fame and fortune.
AZ David Gilliland     Been flying PPC's for 3 years. Have attended this event the last 2 years and wouldn't miss it for anything!!
AZ Keith Ellsworth      
AZ Mark Boyce      
AZ Mike Vest     Flying for 4+ years and enjoy the beautiful skys of Utah.
AZ Ross Neder      
AZ Scott Malone      
AZ Ty Cox      
CA AC Burns     I come to Utah for the beautiful flying and good company
CA Brian Bender     Napa, CA
CA Chad Bastian     Advanced Instructor/Master Rated Pilot
Owner/Operator and Lead Instructor of Fly Above All, instructs students in Beginner, Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Paragliding, as well as Paramotoring and Powered Paragliding Trikes, plus Tow Pilot, Tow Technician, and Tandem Instructor skills and ratings. He also instructs many specialty Clinics, including Maneuvers, Thermal, Cross Country, Competition, Ridge Soaring and Weather. Whatever your flying focus, Chad is determined to train safe pilots, with solid skills in all aspects of paragliding.
1st Exhibition competitor - Trike Buggy
CA Chris Russell      
CA Evan Green 7 2 Works in the Motion Picture Industry in LA.  Private Pilot - Instrument rated; CFI - Sport Pilot
Over 1000-hrs in PPC.
CA Mark Ayers      
CA Robert Givens     GA fixed wing, BFI fixed wing and PPC
CA Tom Janetzke     Creator of "HOME FIELD" - a reality show (via PPC's) for TV
CA Tony Accurso     I'm just getting started toward the dream of flight. I own a 1998 Buckeye DM which was just N-numbered. I have only logged 2 hours of dual time with my instructor. My 8 year old daughter, Evelyn and I attended the event last year and loved the family atmosphere and camaraderie. We will be spectating, attending the dinner and learning more again this year! I'll be retiring from the Air Force after 20 years of service in Jun 2008. We look forward to the event!
CO Amy Wiley     Been flying a PPC for 8 years. Only woman to compete in World Championships (2000 and 2001. DAR for PPC and Trike Light sport aircraft. CFI in PPC
Don't let her be the only female competitor!  Come-on GIRLS - sign-up; it will be fun!
CO Chuck Wales     Flying PPC 8 years. Weight Shift control pilot also and Private Pilot single engine land, 4 years. Competed in Worlds 2000 and 2001, 15th place in 2001. CFI and DPE for PPC. Part of SixChuter team, in Southwest Colorado.
CO Don Siravo 
    My favorite thing to do is hanging out in the sky with my friends. (Living the Dream)
CO Paul Carter     Former Army Aviator with 1375 hours of SEL, MEL, helicopter, including instruments
CO Perry Pahlmeyer      
CT Tim Heim     Hi - I got my training at Sky Trail Ranch. I have been flying for 5 years. Looking forward to flying in some beautiful country.
FL Lee Woodriff      
FL Tim McCord     Engineer for Performance Design PPC wings
IL Reggie "Nail" Toler 5 1 (And it is about time this ole' timer wins this event!)
IL Roy Beisswenger     16-Hr Repairman course Instructor / SFIE
IN Randy Snead     Buckeye Team member
KS Bill Vietti      
KS Suzi Vietti      
KS James Long 11 3 James Long living in Kansas, love these events - 5th time in the PPC Championships - haven't had this much fun since my Hogs ate my little brother
LA Orvis Tully 9   Looking for a Single Seat PREDATOR
LA Russell Long 8    
LA Ray Morrow     Best looking PPC pilot in Louisiana! Which is not unbelievable, when you consider the competition (Crazy Cajun for one)!!
MO Garry Francis      
MO Zane Morris     Creator of the first "superman" (being tethered under the plane)07'. The "flying leap" (jumping into the lake)02'. Also created the "duck pluck" (pulling a person from a moving object)02'. "Zane the Plane" is coming to teach Dennis Rainey how to fly and to learn more great techniques from James Long. I personally believe, that flying in the Branson is haygood fun! With hard rocks and sharp trees, such as, the lake, where right after left off you don't need oxygen. This Branson celebrity is comin' to get cha!
NM John Cortesy     I fly trikes
NM Scott Pipkin      
NY Barry Lipman     ** another awesome volunteer **
NV Kipp 3    
OR Perry Robertson      
PA Bob Brandon      
PA Herman Junkerman      
PA Joe Fenstermacher     15 years experience. Private Pilot with Sport Pilot PPCL endorsement, CFI and Sport Pilot Examiner; owner mgr. of Quaker State Powered Parachutes A SixChuter regional Flight Center
PA John Yonkin     Sport Pilot CFI
1st SkyTrails Ranch trained pilot. Sport Pilot. Actively involved with the light sport aviation community. All around nice guy
PA Mark McKissick     ** awesome volunteer **
TN Darrell Mazzoline     Been flying for 3 years, racked up 250 hr. my first year. Own 3 Buckeyes. Breeze LX eagle LX and The new Dragonfly ( Honda powered) Was one of the test pilots on the Dragonfly project. Won flex wing innovation award and silver grand champion at Oshkosh in 2007 with the Dragonfly.
TN Jim MacLeay     Cross Country from TN to Oshkosh (1500 miles), no ground crew. (1994) for 60th birthday celebration. Have participated in Championship event 3 times before. SP CFI./ Powered Parachute Private Pilot.
TX Bill Alcorn 6   BARF Club President.
Been flying PPC's for NINE years.
TX Bill Holmes     DAR
TX Corinne Bailey 10   Flies a Predator the best brand flying
TX Fredrick Scheffel 2   Event co-organizer
TX Gunny Merta 4 4  
TX Jim Howard      
TX Ken Wilson 1   Event Director
TX Mark Branton 12   Only his Mom believes that he is really a nice guy!
TX Scott Hughes     Predator PPC - Designer
UT Dan Olsen      
UT Dennis Mitchell     Will also be manning the Emergency Services tent - Dennis is a Physician's Assistant
UT Bob Egbert      
UT Dennis Stanley     Co-Owner of Bonneville Skybase LLC in Salt Lake City. Private Pilot with an instrument Rating, CFI-SP PPCL/ASEL, DPE for Sport Pilot, FAA Aviation Safety Counselor, Lt COL in the Civil Air Patrol. SixChuter Powered Parachute Dealer.
UT Jerry Schneidewend      
UT Jim Sorensen      
UT John Hubbard     Still Learning
UT John Lauritzen     Love to fly and see new things. Thanks to all those that work so hard to bring all this together.
UT Keith Haggard      
UT Kent Price     Commanding General of the Cedar Pass Air Force. Rank is gained by surviving "interesting experiences." FAA commercial pilot and flight instructor - single, multi, and now PPC.
UT Kevin Wilkinson     volunteer
UT Kim Trussell      
UT Kristie Payne      
UT Paul Gooch     "big event supporter"
UT Randall Bates     Started paragliding at Point of The Mountain. Bought PPG and built trike for it. Sold that.Fabricated and built my own PPC in 2001. Flew it several years. Sold that and bought fixed wing Challenger UL and another PPG. Long story. Bought another PPC which I enjoy flying.
UT Randy Clayton      
UT Randy Hiller     I'm a part time resident of Virgin, Utah as well as SLC. I'm a newbie to this sport and am not afraid to admit it. You may wish to give me room! I understand that these are supposed to be landed on their wheels, one day I hope to accomplish that.
UT Rick Kielar     I been flying since July 2006. Having a great time with PPC and new friends I have made flying. Nothing like forgetting about the stresses of everyday life the moment you take to the air.
UT Scott Stewart     GA pilot since 1980. Love PPC's and fixed wing AC. Fly a Predator and a Mooney. I've met a lot of wild and crazy people flying PPC's. Made a lot of new friends and having a blast. This will be my third time attending Color Country.
UT Stan Elton     This ones for you Stan!
UT Tom Driscoll      
UT Tony Galovich      
WA Clyde Poser - - Pilot for 42 years, just retired as number one captain from Hawaiian Airlines after 38 years. Two time World PPC Champ. Two time National Gunslinging Champ.
WA Doug Maas     President of Western Powered Parachute Association LLC. Vietnam Helicopter Pilot. Commercial rated fixed wing, helicopter. FAA CFI in Powered Parachutes. FAA Designated Examiner and Instructor for Sport Pilot
WA Jim Groebner     "Grubby"
WA Mike Lersbak     Former Marine Corps helicopter pilot 1570 total flight hours. Business owner 
WA Rick Gutierrez      
WA Tom Nichols      


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This page last updated 09/04/2009   
Most pages on this site are updated weekly.

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